Jennifer and Kenneth Miranda have worked in tandem for nearly twenty years. Beginning with casino games then moving to food service, to the most challenging task of raising their son. Jennifer and Kenneth have used complimentary skills to overcome all obstacles. Now they work with new and expanding companies to eliminate time consuming tasks and let companies do what it is they set out to do.
Jennifer's parents instilled in Jennifer an inexhaustible work ethic and a taste for entrepreneurial life. Seizing on a demand she found through her parents company Jennifer found a market for skilled food service workers and endeavored to adapt the available technology to grow a company that began with a cell phone and a dream to a company that would double in size annually for nearly ten years. This company was to become a 15 year partnership in the world of hospitality staffing from the San Francisco Bay area down through San Diego California. During that time social media marketing and CRMs would emerge and become an integral part of Jennifer’s life
Kenneth had dreams of architectural design learning big picture thinking and interdisciplinary coordination from an architectural firm and commercial kitchen design firm. Jennifer changed that dream when she bribed him to work in her ever expanding company. Kenneth would do little of the day to day tasks instead focusing on the less noticeable needs that were beginning to become burdensome to Jennifer. He took the initiative to create spreadsheets for everything which didn't go over very well. The changes took time but digital documentation slowly replaced every aspect of the company which went from printing around a ream of paper a week to no longer needing a printer. Kenneth’s quick adaptation of new technologies and outside the box thinking helped to save time, energy and money all while making the quality and consistency of information improve.
As a team Jennifer and Kenneth manage both the design and technical aspects of any company's needs. Their goal is to make business manageable giving their clients back the life / work balance that they worked to obtain in their own lives. They do this by creating your perfect business systems because, we make work flow.
meet the team